Does Online Therapy Work - You Betcha!

In a recent article written in Newsweek Magazine, writer Temma Ehrenfeld explored an area already very familiar to us - Virtual Therapy. The article discussed how many people are turning to online therapy because of its triple whammy benefits:

1. Convenience
2. Affordability
3. Anonymity (our favorite!)

I mean if you think about it - doesn't it seem silly to pay all that money to a woman in an office downtown somewhere who wants to really spend a few months getting to know you before she makes an assessment? I'm clinically trained, and I even think its ridiculous. There are just some things that you can talk about online.

Your Feelings
Your Relationship
Your Depression
Your Fears
Your Children
Your Job
Your Family

And the list goes on and on. Now, I draw the line to diagnosis. I don't think anyone can or should be diagnosed online. That is what a visit to your practitioner is for. But if you need direction, a listening ear, a reasonable solution to a problem - online advice, counseling, therapy, coaching etc. is the right choice for you.

To learn more about it go here: Advice/Counseling Info



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